Patricia Minihan
Assistant Professor of Biology

Degree Information
- Bachelor of Science in Biology, Ramapo College, 1998
- Masters of Science in Chemistry, Montclair State University, 2004
- Doctorate in Pharmacy, Rutgers University, 2014
Courses Taught
- CHE 100, Foundations – College Chemistry
- CHE 101 Introductory Chemistry I
- CHE 110 Intro- Food and Nutrition
Primary area of expertise
- Chemistry for allied health majors, pharmacy
Honors and Awards
- Herman Sokol Summer Graduate Student Research Fellowship
Publications and Presentations
- Patricia Minihan and Eric Seda Diabetes outreach/outcomes for Thrifty White employees
Poster presented at the American Pharmacists Association Annual
Meeting and Exposition, Nashville, Tennessee, March 2018
- Dyer, J.H., P. Minihan, A.C. Schiedel, & S. Oeljeklaus
“Cloning and Expression of Thiolase from Sunflower Cotyledons.”
Protein Purification and Expression 33 (2004) 25-33
Volunteer Work or Group Affiliations
- American Pharmacist’s Association
Other Activities
Cooking, walking outside, enjoying nature, spending time with my son and niece