
Learn about our Academic Programs and Services


After new matriculated students have registered for the first time in a program of study, they are assigned an academic advisor. Students should consult with their advisors on career and educational plans, transfer possibilities, and concerns about academic difficulties. During the priority registration period each semester, students meet with advisors to plan the next semester’s schedule of classes. Students may find out who their advisor is by accessing their student information on the College Portal.  

VAN 247 

The Center for Academic Planning and Support (CAPS) offers a variety of academic support
services to help students enhance their college success. The staff is available to assist students to become independent learners by helping them to further develop their essential study skills. There
are computers, WIFI access and a study area available. It is located in Vanderlyn Hall, Room 247
and is open from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday. Holiday, summer, and intersession
hours are announced and posted. For more information, call the phone number listed above or send
an email to the address listed above.

VAN 247 

The Center for Academic Planning and Support (CAPS) provides one-on-one, remote/online tutoring (Zoom or Google Meet), walk-ins, or study group. Professional and peer tutors, who have
demonstrated an understanding of the course material, are available to provide guidance to studentsIf a student wants to become a peer tutor, a recommendation is made by the faculty and is hired by the Center for Academic Planning and Support (CAPS). Peer tutors are required to attend an orientation and complete tutor training exercises throughout the semester. Students will acquire
certification recognition through the College Reading and Learning Association (CRLA). A request for tutoring is made through the Center for Academic Planning and Support (CAPS). For more information call the phone number listed above or send an email to the address listed above.

ALG 122

The Gary and Janaki Patrik Math Center is a math-tutoring center where students can improve basic math skills. Peer and professional math tutors are available to help students understand and apply mathematical concepts in courses ranging from Pre-Algebra through Calculus. Students can be tutored in any math course in which they are enrolled at SUNY Ulster. The Center has a variety of supplementary materials; however, students should bring all appropriate textbooks and class notes.

Students are accommodated on a drop-in basis. Hours are announced and posted at the beginning of each semester.  The math center is located in Algonquin Hall, Room 122.  For more information call the Center for Academic Planning and Support (CAPS) at the phone number listed above or send an email to the address listed above.



Courses meet on campus with required physical attendance. Some courses may be blended (a “B” will be seen in the course section code) which means that some days may meet remotely.


ONLINE Courses are conducted online without live lectures (asynchronous) on Blackboard Brightspace. Courses typically have weekly deadlines (refer to the course outline). Students are not expected to come to campus

Courses meet online with attendance required on specific times/days for live lectures on Zoom or Google Meet (synchronous). Students are not expected to come to campus. Courses may be blended (a “B” will be seen in the course section code) which means that classes may meet with a non-live component (asynchronous).

Courses meet on specific times and days but students have the option of attending in-person on campus or remotely via Zoom or Google Meet. Students must be vaccinated and follow all SUNY Ulster COVID protocols when on campus. For additional details about specific courses, please contact the designated instructor or the academic department offering the course.

An Outstanding Opportunity for Academically Talented Students. Students need to rank in the top 10% of their graduating class; graduate from an Ulster County High School, or reside in Ulster County; graduate HS in the same year of their Application for Admissions to SUNY Ulster; receive a NYS Regents Diploma; apply for Federal and State Aid through the FAFSA; and enroll in full-time study and matriculate into a degree program. 

Weather conditions may necessitate canceling or delaying classes. If classes are canceled, administrative offices will remain open and will close only when the Ulster County Executive declares a state of emergency and closes all county facilities. Announcements of delays and cancellations will be on area radio and TV stations as well as the College’s portal, my.sunyulster.edu, the website, and on social media. The announcement will also be broadcast through the SUNY Ulster Alert (RAVE).

The following equipment is available for student use:  

  • A FAX can be sent from the printer/photocopier machine in the Library. (FAX users are charged as follows: first page $1.25; second page $1.25 and each additional page $.50.) Charges are applied to the student’s Papercut print tracking account.   

  • Printers are available in open labs and the library. Students are charged per print and provided an initial balance at no charge based on the number of credits for which they have enrolled for the semester. Students can see their print balance and add funds to their print balance via the My.SUNYUlster.edu Portal.

  • Scanners and Copiers are available in the Macdonald Dewitt Library. Scanning is free and each copy is charged to the student’s Papercut print tracking account.

  • Loaner Laptops and chromebooks are available to be checked out and used within the library.

  • Wireless Internet is available throughout the College. Students must log in with their Portal credentials. If you encounter problems, please contact the helpdesk at 845-687-5169.

SUNY Ulster welcomes students from around the world who come because of our strong academic reputation, financial value, and excellent location.

International students thrive at SUNY Ulster. Our small classes, attentive faculty and strong campus community make SUNY Ulster an excellent place to familiarize yourself with the culture of higher education in the United States and begin to explore the many resources available to you as a SUNY student.

We are part of the State University of New York (SUNY), the nation's largest university system. As a community college, Ulster offers two-year associate degree programs in a variety of academic areas. The associate degree generally comprises the first two years of the standard four-year baccalaureate degree. Ulster does not offer upper-division or graduate work.


Michael Burke
VAN 246

SUNY Ulster sponsors student internships in many fields. If you want to receive academic credit while gaining valuable professional work experience in today's competitive job market, this is a program for you. Most of these internships are unpaid; however, some are paid positions and/or include stipends. Internships can be arranged in most programs and fields of study offered at SUNY Ulster.

We have over 250 internships to choose from, including hospitals, human service agencies, drug and alcohol rehabilitation centers, services for the elderly, counseling services for teens, schools, non-profit organizations, arts institutions, private sector businesses, local and state police agencies, corrections, district attorney's office, special investigations, government, theater production, music, television and film, and fitness clubs. Some of our placements have included MTV/VH1, the Disney Corporation, vet clinics, zoos, and emergency clinics.

The requirements for participation in the Student Internship Program are that you have at least a 2.0 GPA and 30 college credits completed, or by permission of the fieldwork coordinator. For further information, contact Michael Burke, Coordinator of Fieldwork and Internship, burkem@sunyulster.edu.

The following offices and services are offered at the College’s Kingston Center of SUNY Ulster; SUNY Ulster’s Main Extension Center, located at 94 Marys Ave. in Kingston. At that site, the College provides an array of day, late afternoon, and evening classes.

The College offices located at KCSU are:

Continuing, Professional and Workforce Education

Headquartered at the Kingston Center of SUNY Ulster, this office offers a variety of professional, continuing education, and workforce related courses throughout the year. These include industry-recognized certification training programs; courses approved for continuing education units for licensed professionals; professional courses for medical professionals; courses focusing on current technologies and professional skills; and personal enrichment.

Courses are conveniently scheduled for days, and evenings either at


The Macdonald DeWitt Library is situated at the geographical center of the Stone Ridge Campus. Its information resources include a wide variety of print and electronic materials including books, journals, films, and images. Access to library services are available on the library tab of the College Portal, my.sunyulster.edu.

Reference librarians are available to assist students with their research in person when the library is open and via chat 24/7. Individual research appointments can be scheduled on the Library Tab of the Portal.

The Library has a variety of individual and group study spaces. Study rooms can be booked in advance on the Library Tab. Wireless access is available throughout the Library.

During the academic semester, the Library is open from 8:00 a.m. to 5:30, Monday, Tuesday and Thursday; 8:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. Wednesday and 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. on Friday. The library is closed on Saturday and Sunday. Holiday, summer, and intersession hours are announced and posted.


Rachael Pompeii
VAN 208 & 210

The Literacy Lab offers writing tutoring for all subjects on a drop-in* basis, both in person and virtually (by request). Our professional and peer tutors are available to assist students with a variety of writing assignments, including essays, research, lab reports, and more. Space and computers are also available for independent work. The Literacy Lab is open Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.