
ART 123

Art, Design, Music, Theater & Communications

Credits: 3

In this foundation based course students will learn the basic 12 principles of Animation and demonstrate those skills in traditional hand drawn animation as well as vector based 2D digital animation. Students will learn how to use Animate, a vector-based animation program, and Photoshop, a graphic design and image editing program. Through a series of animation exercises, students will learn key animation vocabulary and gain a working knowledge of animation principles. This course will address a working history of animation as well as current trends. Strong emphasis will be placed on students' ability to creatively solve animation problems. This course has no prerequisites but a working knowledge of the elements of drawing and composition are encouraged. Students interested in preparing for the course should consider taking ART 117 Introduction to Drawing and or ART 124 Introduction to Graphic Design.

We currently offer the following 1 classes in this course:


Section: ART123 20

CRN: 40675

Type: Lecture

Instructor: Cassiopeia A. Ottulich

Term: Summer 2025

Fees: Technology Fee $70

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Class Schedule

*This class changes rooms and/or time slots during its term, and meets at all of the dates, times and locations listed below:

Dates: 2025-05-27 to 2025-07-08
Days: MW
Time: 01:00 pm - 04:00 pm
Location: VAN 259
Dates: 2025-05-27 to 2025-07-08
Time: 12:00 am - 12:00 am
Location: VAN 255