Human Biology

BIO 109

Biological Sciences

Credits: 3

This is a non-laboratory biology course designed for the non-science major who has an interest in learning about the human body. Students will study the basic anatomy and physiology of major body systems and some common diseases associated with those systems. Special emphasis will be placed on topics of modern concern such as new diseases and new techniques for treating the human body. Students will be encouraged to learn to use information in this class for making informed personal and societal decisions.

We currently offer the following 1 classes in this course:

Human Biology

Section: BIO109 S16

CRN: 40360

Type: Distance Learning

Instructor: Jennifer Guiher

Term: Summer 2025

Fees: Technology Fee $70

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Class Schedule

Dates: 2025-07-14 - 2025-08-21
Location: Online