Geology of the Hudson Valley

ESC 220

Science, Technology, Engineering & Math

Credits: 3

This course will cover the geology and tectonic history of the Hudson Valley of New York State by intensive field study of selected rock outcrops from New York City to Saratoga Springs. This course is designed for any SUNY Ulster students or community members interested in knowing more about the geology of our local area. This course will meet all day, for eight days, over a two-week span of time. It's taught entirely in the field, rain or shine, and will require moderately-strenuous hiking and rock scrambling at times. Prerequisite: Permission of the instructor. 3 hrs. lect.

We currently offer the following 1 classes in this course:

Geology of the Hudson Valley

Section: ESC220 20

CRN: 40717

Type: Fieldwork

Instructor: Steven H. Schimmrich

Term: Summer 2025

Fees: Technology Fee $65

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Class Schedule

Dates: 2025-05-27 - 2025-06-05
Time: 08:30 am - 05:30 pm
Location: BUR 101