Quantitative Reasoning

MAT 110

Science, Technology, Engineering & Math

Credits: 3

This course focuses on mathematical and statistical reasoning important for decision-making in everyday life. Students will utilize percentages, probability, mathematical modeling, and statistical thinking to solve real-life problems. Concepts are investigated through group work and class discussion in the context of medical, environmental, civic and financial scenarios. Prerequisite: MAT 095 with a grade of C or better or by placement assessment. Corequisite: MAT 094 by placement assessment. Pre and/or Corequisite: Placement into CRT 101 or higher.

We currently offer the following 1 classes in this course:

Quantitative Reasoning

Section: MAT110 60

CRN: 40502

Type: Lecture

Instructor: Francesca J. Barclay

Term: Summer 2025

Fees: Technology Fee $70

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Class Schedule

Dates: 2025-05-27 - 2025-08-05
Location: Online