
Comp Sci III/Data Structures

CSC 201

Science, Technology, Engineering & Math

Credits: 4

This course covers the fundamentals of data structures and software modeling. Topics include: modern IDE for software development and code version management systems, design and development of reusable software, software modeling (class diagram, use case, CRC card), introduction to analysis of algorithms (order notation), abstract properties, implementation and use of stacks, queues, linked lists, and binary trees, binary search trees, recursion, and efficiency of recursive solutions, range of search (sequential, binary), select (min,max, median), and sort algorithms (quicksort, merge sort, heap sort) and their time and space efficiencies, software quality assurance (pre and post conditions, program testing), team development of software applications, and professional responsibilities and liabilities associated with software development. Prerequisite: CSC 180 with a grade of C- or better or permission of the instructor.

We currently offer the following 2 classes in this course:

Comp Sci III/Data Structures

Section: CSC201 01B

CRN: 83366

Type: Combined Lecture/Lab

Instructor: John Sheehan

Term: Fall 2024

Fees: Technology Fee $70

Class Schedule

*This class changes rooms and/or time slots during its term, and meets at all of the dates, times and locations listed below:

Dates: 2024-08-26 to 2024-12-18
Days: TR
Time: 10:10 am - 11:30 am
Location: HAR 106
Dates: 2024-08-26 to 2024-12-18
Time: 12:00 am - 12:00 am
Location: HY FLEX

Comp Sci III/Data Structures

Section: CSC201 S01

CRN: 83274

Type: Lecture

Instructor: John Sheehan

Term: Fall 2024

Fees: Technology Fee $70

Class Schedule

Dates: 2024-08-26 - 2024-12-18
Location: Online





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