woman receiving reiki treatment

In recent years complementary health and wellness have grown in popularity. People used to consider these approaches outside of the mainstream or "alternative"--not part of conventional medical training; but now many patients and health care providers use alternative treatments together with conventional therapies.

Complementary health and wellness provides natural remedies and healthy solutions for your health concerns as well as practical ideas for self-care and prevention.

Course Offerings


Reiki Training will create careers and holistic practices for students who complete all Reiki certification courses. Reiki certification adds an additional dimension to all healing modalities. For those who complete all three Reiki certifications, there will be guidance and advice  on how to continue on their own, to start their practices, and to participate in volunteer work that has helped our community for many years.

It is recommended that students complete all three certification courses but a student may join any level as long as they have met the prerequisite requirements and has the instructors and SUNY Ulster’s approval.

Reiki I & Pet Reiki Certification Workshop

This course introduces the students to SHODEN, the beginning teachings of Dr. Usui. The students will learn the history, precepts, and principles of Reiki. The students will be initiated to access the Energy of Reiki, will learn the Reiki self-healing positions, and practice Reiki healing on others. Pet reiki healing will be introduced and practiced.

Register DCB 2424CRN 90038 KSU $60
M 9/23: 6-8:30 PM
M 9/30: 6-8:45 PM
M 10/21: 6-8:45 PM

No class on 10/7 or 10/14

Reiki II Certification Workshop

This course introduces the students to Okuden, the inner teachings in Japan. The students will learn the three symbols and their history and will learn to heal using the symbols. The students will be initiated to Reiki level 2 energy, will learn to do distant healing, and learn to program items as healing tools to share with others. Students will learn how to heal pets using the symbols.

Prerequisite: Reiki I Certification required

Register DCB 2425 CRN 90039 9/23-10/21 6-8pm KSU $120

No class on 10/14

Reiki III Advanced Certification Workshop

This course prepares the student for the Reiki Master training and  is the prerequisite to the final Reiki Master/Teacher certification. The students will complete two more initiations to Advanced Reiki Energy, will learn advanced Reiki Master Level healing techniques such as  Kekko massage to increase circulation and release negativity. The students will practice the Reiki healing techniques as an Advanced Reiki Practitioner,  a “Master in Training,” and will be ready to move on to the SHINPIDEN level, the secret teachings of Reiki,  Reiki Master/Teacher.

Prerequisite: Reiki II Certification Required

Register DCB 2426 CRN 90040 10/28-11/25 6-8pm KSU $150

No class on 11/11

Aging & Health Bundle

This program is designed for individuals who are working in the health care field, those who are interested in the topic, those who are working with the aging population, or anyone who wishes to prepare for a career in aging services or gerontology.

Register Online $285

Certificate in Meditation

Learn how to intentionally train your attention and concentration for effective meditation. In addition to meditation techniques, this course will also help you discover how meditation can be used to increase mindfulness, reduce stress, deal with pain and illness, and support overall health.

Register Online $79

Certificate in Pain Assessment & Management

Pain assessment and management is a crucial part of compassionate and effective patient care. Healthcare providers must be more accurate with their pain assessment skills and more effective in their pain management strategies. Scientific advancements in the understanding of the mechanisms of pain, multidisciplinary methods of assessment and management, the wide array of integrative treatment strategies, and the improvement of medications to treat pain have contributed to the wealth of knowledge in this area.

The outcome of this certificate program is for the learner to describe key elements related to pain assessment and management, especially in specific populations.

Register Online $169