
215 courses found when searching within the Fall 2024 semester.

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Prin of Accounting I

ACC 101

Students are introduced to basic principles and concepts of accounting in this course. Topics include the accounting cycle, accruals and deferrals, preparation of financial statements, internal control, and an in-depth study of current assets.

Prin of Accounting II

ACC 102

Students continue to develop an understanding of accounting principles and concepts, in this course which provides for the study of forms of business equity, plant and long-term assets, current and long-term liabilities and cash flow analysis. Prerequisite: ACC 101 with a grade of C or better.

Financial Accounting

ACC 200

Students are introduced to basic concepts of financial accounting and reporting in this course. Students study the environment of accounting, the accounting model and the use of financial statements for business decision making. Key topics include accruals and deferrals, current assets, long-term assets and debt, and corporate equity. Pre or Co-requisites: MAT 115 or higher.

Managerial Accounting

ACC 204

Students will study fundamental accounting concepts that are useful to management in planning and controlling its operation. Topics include the measurement of cost, costing systems, cost-volume-profit analysis, cost allocation, budgeting, capital investing, and performance evaluation. Prerequisites: ACC 102 or ACC 200 with a grade of C or better.

Income Tax Procedures

ACT 209

Students are introduced to the federal income tax system and how it applies to different forms of business organization. Emphasis is on the determination of tax liabilities for the sole proprietorship, partnership and S corporations. Accounting principles and practices are linked to business tax planning. Co-requisite: ACC 101 or ACC 200.

Payroll Accounting

ACT 215

Students are introduced to payroll practices, the determination of payroll liabilities, and the preparation of quarterly and annual reports required by governmental agencies. Also covered will be the maintenance of sales tax records, determining sales tax liability and the preparation of state sales tax filings. Prerequisite: ACC 101 or ACC 200 with a grade of C- or better.

FundAcct for Gov&NonProfit Agy

ACT 220

Students are introduced to the specialized financial accounting and reporting standards applicable to the governmental and not-for-profit sectors as well as the basic processes of business-type accounting. Students will explore financial reporting and financial statement analysis, with illustrations drawn from financial reports prepared by actual governments and not-for-profit organizations. The course will also cover the latest accounting standards issued by the standards-setting bodies (GASB and FASB). Prerequisites: ACC 101 and 102, or ACC 200; ACC 102 may be taken as a co-requisite.

Intro to Visual Arts I

ART 101

This course offers a basic introduction to concepts and theories underlying the organization of all art forms. Through the study of line, shape, value, color and texture, in both historical and contemporary contexts, the student will develop an understanding and appreciation of the elements and principles used in the visual arts. Art history of Western civilizations as well as other global cultures will be analyzed & interpreted through reading, writing, and interactive assignments. Pre or Corequisite: ENG 101

Drawing & Composition I

ART 103

Students are introduced to drawing elements and principles through an analysis of form and space. Emphasis is on the organization of line, value, mass, and structure in the development of disciplined draftsmanship and imaginative composition. Using a variety of drawing media, students create from still life, landscape, and the figure. 1 hr. lect.; 4 hrs. studio. Prerequisite: Enrollment by advisement. This course is reserved for art majors.

Painting I

ART 105

An introduction to painting concepts, this course stresses the relationship of composition and color through perceptual experiences in drawing and painting.

Art History I

ART 107

This course presents a beginning survey of art history in western civilizations and other global civilizations, from antiquity through the Middle Ages. Students are provided with the opportunity to evaluate various art forms as influenced by traditional, cultural, social and religious conditions, technological progress, and industrial civilizations. Pre and/or corequisite: ENG 101

Art History II

ART 108

This course presents a survey of art history in western civilizations and other global civilizations, from the Proto-Renaissance through the Rococo and the 19th century. Students are provided with the opportunity to evaluate various art forms as influenced by traditional, cultural, social and religious conditions, technological progress, and industrial civilization. Pre or Corequisite: ENG 101

20th Century Art History

ART 110

This course will survey the major avant-garde artists and movements from Europe and the United States in the 20th Century. Our focus will be almost exclusively visual art, with occasional forays. Lectures and discussions will provide the social, economic, political, and aesthetic context for each stage of our study.


ART 111

This course is an introduction to the fundamentals, history and principles of Printmaking. Emphasis is placed on skill building, technique and craft and Incorporates elements of composition, drawing and painting. Students will study traditional techniques like monoprint, etching, block printing and nontraditional techniques like pronto plate printing and solar plate etching. Through critical thinking, demonstrations, and critiques students will gain an understanding and mastery of the core concepts of printmaking and a portfolio illustrating command of the craft. Student assignments, concepts and proficiency will be assessed through faculty and peer review and critiques.

Watercolor Painting

ART 114

This introductory course covers the basics of watercolor with an emphasis on contour drawing, composition and color theory as a foundation for painting. Students will work from observation and a variety of subject matter to learn the basic techniques of this classical and versatile medium. Importance is placed on critical thinking and problem solving with lectures on the history and evolution of watercolor emphasizing the British tradition are part of the class.

Intro to Drawing I

ART 117

This is an introduction to drawing elements and principles for non-Art majors. Students base their drawings on direct observation of still life and landscape subject matter.

Curatorial Studies

ART 122

This applied learning course provides hands on experience, addressing all aspects of curating a contemporary Art exhibition. Utilizing the Muroff - Kotler Gallery as the classroom and local contemporary artists, students, will research, discuss, reflect and analyze collected information to assemble a coherent and engaging presentation. Students will be active in all facets of exhibition and this course will be held both on and off campus. Attention will be given to the study of the historical aspects of exhibition as well as stressing unique creative solutions for current exhibitions and presentation of artwork. Pre and/or Corequisite: ENG 101


ART 123

In this foundation based course students will learn the basic 12 principles of Animation and demonstrate those skills in traditional hand drawn animation as well as vector based 2D digital animation. Students will learn how to use Animate, a vector-based animation program, and Photoshop, a graphic design and image editing program. Through a series of animation exercises, students will learn key animation vocabulary and gain a working knowledge of animation principles. This course will address a working history of animation as well as current trends. Strong emphasis will be placed on students' ability to creatively solve animation problems. This course has no prerequisites but a working knowledge of the elements of drawing and composition are encouraged. Students interested in preparing for the course should consider taking ART 117 Introduction to Drawing and or ART 124 Introduction to Graphic Design.

Intro to Design Foundation

ART 124

This course is an introduction to the computer hardware and software used in image manipulation and design layout used in digital art for visual communication. The course will include Adobe Photoshop, InDesign and Illustrator software for a broad understanding and use of electronic and print media. This course prepares students for further studies in Fine Arts and Design Art. Lab fee. 1 hr. lect.; 3 hrs. lab.

Photography I

ART 130

This course is an introduction to traditional and digital photographic techniques, basic computer-based image processing and inkjet printing. A strong emphasis will be placed on developing aesthetic judgment through a series of assignments and critiques. Students will need a digital camera of reasonable quality (no camera phones). The department will provide all other required supplies and equipment

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