
215 courses found when searching within the Fall 2024 semester.

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EssentialCommunications in CRJ

CRJ 107

This course examines criminal justice report writing as a process, with emphasis on blending information, form, and written and oral expression to develop a clear, concise, and accurate account of an incident/event. Emphasis will be placed on the development of the field notebook in investigations, recording incident details, conducting and presentation of interview/interrogations; recording of relevant facts and details for purposes of reference and accountability. The course will also examine effective conflict resolution and de-escalation techniques specific to law enforcement personnel in the field, including effective citizen interactions guided by trauma-informed interviewing and the use of emotional intelligence and body language interpretation techniques.

Criminal Law

CRJ 201

An overview of the FBI Index Crimes and murder, robbery, rape, burglary, assault, arson, and larceny is offered in this course, which emphasizes the elements of crimes and distinctions within offense categories, particularly criminal intent and the defenses to criminal conduct. Prerequisite: CRJ 101

Policing in America

CRJ 214

This course is designed to familiarize students with the history, organization, responsibilities, and challenges of policing in the United States. Policing is explored from multiple perspectives including: An examination of police officer-citizen interaction, the critical relationship between the community and its protectors policing in a free and democratic society, and system relationships with other justice and human service organizations. This course will focus on the examination of issues and strategies that will serve to bridge the gap between the community and the police.

Constit/Criminal Procedures

CRJ 215

A study of the constitutional implications of criminal procedure as applied to arrest, force, search and seizure with particular emphasis on the 4th, 5th, 6th, and the 14th Amendments to the United States Constitution as well as the criminal procedural law of the State of New York. This course provides practical knowledge and guidelines for criminal justice professionals working in and for our communities as well as individuals seeking to become better informed of their rights and protections within the framework of our constitutional democracy.

Criminal &Crime Scene Invest

CRJ 218

Students will gain an understanding of the primary aspects of the investigative process including approaches utilized to investigate various categories of crime. Students will learn the importance and methods of legally developing information and identifying, collecting, and submitting evidence following established best practices of crime scene processing and management.

Contemp Issues-Crim Justice

CRJ 231

This course will examine the justice process and the general operations of the criminal justice system. Concepts of crime and deviance, as well as individual rights and discrimination in a democratic society will also be reviewed and critiqued against the backdrop of contemporary issues. The law enforcement, judicial, juvenile justice, and corrections subsystems will be particularly explored, and a number of reform proposals presented and considered. Students will be expected to integrate material in their written assignments that they have learned throughout their college experience.

Ethics in Criminal Justice

CRJ 233

This course introduces students to the fundamentals of philosophy as a major discipline within the field of humanities and evaluates various conventions and methods of applied ethical theory with an area-specific examination of ethical dilemmas pertaining to the professions of the criminal justice system. Students will focus on comprehensive issues facing law enforcement, legal practice, sentencing, corrections, research, and crime control policy. Pre and/or Co-requisite: ENG 101

Critical Reading and Thinking

CRT 101

This is a four credit course designed to provide students with essential study, reading and writing skills to enhance their academic college experiences. Students will receive instruction and practice in a wide variety of study, test/note taking, reading, and writing strategies. An emphasis will be placed on critical reading with a focus on higher-level comprehension and vocabulary skills needed in a variety of academic disciplines. An additional lab component will augment the course and provide individualized practice in specific skills. Prerequisite: OTP 070 with a grade of C or higher or by reading placement score.

Web Application Development I

CSC 131

This course explores the web development processes and tools used to support the creation of websites and web applications. Students explore HTML, CSS and JavaScript and use them to create websites and web applications hosted by a web server. Web application development frameworks will also be introduced. Through labs and projects students create both static and dynamic web content in the context of producing a professional quality web site. The course focuses on the underlying tools of web development. Prerequisite: familiarity with text file editing as determined by the instructor.

Computer Science I

CSC 150

This course covers the fundamentals of computer problem solving and programming. Topics includes: program development process, differences between the object-oriented, structured, and functional programming methodologies, phases of language translation (compiling, interpreting, linking, executing), and error conditions associated with each phase, primitive data types, memory representation, variables, expressions, assignment, fundamental programming constructs (sequence, selection, iteration), algorithms for solving simple problems, tracing execution, subprograms/functions/methods, parameter passing, secure coding techniques (criteria for selections of a specific type and use, input data validation), and professional behavior in response to ethical issues inherent in computing. The Java programming language is used. Corequisite: MAT 115 or equivalent or permission of the instructor.

Comp Sci III/Data Structures

CSC 201

This course covers the fundamentals of data structures and software modeling. Topics include: modern IDE for software development and code version management systems, design and development of reusable software, software modeling (class diagram, use case, CRC card), introduction to analysis of algorithms (order notation), abstract properties, implementation and use of stacks, queues, linked lists, and binary trees, binary search trees, recursion, and efficiency of recursive solutions, range of search (sequential, binary), select (min,max, median), and sort algorithms (quicksort, merge sort, heap sort) and their time and space efficiencies, software quality assurance (pre and post conditions, program testing), team development of software applications, and professional responsibilities and liabilities associated with software development. Prerequisite: CSC 180 with a grade of C- or better or permission of the instructor.

Android App Development

CSC 210

Android is now the most widely used operating system among smart phones, tablets, and PCs. This course prepares the student to be a professional Android software developer. It is based on an app-driven approach. Mobile system concepts specific to Android are presented in the context of complete working Android apps, rather than using sample code snippets. The student is expected to construct these applications and test them in a simulated mobile device environment. Concepts and techniques introduced in this course include: · Fundamentals of the Android Studio development environment · Concepts and structure of the Android application environment · Graphical user interface conventions and graphical concepts · Remote access to information using industry standard protocols · Access to relational data stored on the Android device (via SQLite or equivalent) · Animation and simple game development Corerequisite: CSC 180 or permission of the instructor.

Computer Game Design II

CSC 225

This course expands on the fundamental computer game concepts and techniques introduced in CSC 220, Computer Game Design I. It advances use of the C# programming language to animate and handle interactions with the game environment, game elements and the players. Special emphasis will be given to insuring good game performance. Physical principles of mechanics and lighting will be enlarged to include more natural movement, interaction among objects such as wind and lighting with shading and textures. Computer programming scripts will interact in advanced ways with objects composed of curves, and coverings such as clothed human actors in the game. Prerequisite: CSC 220 or permission of the instructor.

Comp Architecture & Organ

CSC 250

This course covers fundamentals of computer architecture and organization. Topics include: classical von Neumann machine, major functional units, primary memory, representation of numerical (integer and floating point) and non-numerical data, CPU architecture, instruction encoding, fetch-decode-execute cycle, instruction formats, addressing modes, symbolic assembler, assembly language programming, handling of subprogram calls at assembly level, mapping between high level language patterns and assembly/machine language, interrupts and I/O operations, virtual memory management, and data access from a magnetic disk. Prerequisite: CSC 180 with a grade of C- or better or permission of the instructor.

Intro to Macroeconomics

ECO 101

Students are introduced to national income analysis. Topics include money, banking and monetary policy, national income determination and fiscal policy, macroeconomic policy, the problems of inflation and unemployment, and economic growth. Prerequisite: MAT 100 or high school Mathematics Course II or by advisement.

Intro to Microeconomics

ECO 102

The laws of markets are surveyed in this course. Topics include the law of supply and demand, the economics of the firm, competition, monopoly, and economic regulation. Prerequisite: MAT 100 or high school Mathematics Course II or by advisement.

Appl Child Developmt-Ed Majors

EDU 200

Students apply concepts and theories of child development while participating in a 20-hour field experience in a Kindergarten-Grade 6 classroom. This course must be taken concurrently with a PSY 200 Psychology of Child Development section reserved for Education majors. Prerequisite: Students should have a minimum cumulative average of 2.00, recommendations of two SUNY Ulster instructors, and required fingerprinting. Contact the Education Program Coordinator for fingerprint information.

Soc & Phil Fdn of Education

EDU 203

The purpose of this course is to introduce students to myriad controversies existing in the field of education. This course will provide students with a greater understanding of the social and philosophical issues involved in education, the development of individual and group identity involving race, class and gender, and an understanding of the historical development of the public education system in the United States.

Appl Adolescent Develop-Ed Maj

EDU 206

Students apply concepts and theories of adolescent development while participating in a 20-hour field experience in grades 7-8 in a middle school setting. This course must be taken concurrently with PSY 206 Psychology of Adolescence. Prerequisite: Students should have a minimum cumulative average of 2.00, recommendations of two SUNY Ulster instructors, and required fingerprinting. Contact the Education Program Coordinator for fingerprint information.

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