
Critical Reading and Thinking

CRT 101

English, Foreign Language & Philosophy

Credits: 4

This is a four credit course designed to provide students with essential study, reading and writing skills to enhance their academic college experiences. Students will receive instruction and practice in a wide variety of study, test/note taking, reading, and writing strategies. An emphasis will be placed on critical reading with a focus on higher-level comprehension and vocabulary skills needed in a variety of academic disciplines. An additional lab component will augment the course and provide individualized practice in specific skills. Prerequisite: OTP 070 with a grade of C or higher or by reading placement score.

We currently offer the following 3 classes in this course:

Critical Reading and Thinking

Section: CRT101 01

CRN: 83731

Type: Combined Lecture/Lab

Instructor: Roseanne Sullivan

Term: Fall 2024

Fees: Technology Fee $70

Class Schedule

Dates: 2024-08-26 - 2024-12-18
Days: TR
Time: 11:40 am - 01:40 pm
Location: HAR 107

Critical Reading and Thinking

Section: CRT101 02

CRN: 83732

Type: Combined Lecture/Lab

Instructor: Rachael E. Pompeii

Term: Fall 2024

Fees: Technology Fee $70

Class Schedule

Dates: 2024-08-26 - 2024-12-18
Days: MWF
Time: 10:50 am - 12:10 pm
Location: VAN 110

Critical Reading and Thinking

Section: CRT101 51

CRN: 84149

Type: Combined Lecture/Lab

Instructor: Roseanne Sullivan

Term: Fall 2024

Fees: Technology Fee $70

Class Schedule

Dates: 2024-08-26 - 2024-12-18
Location: Online





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