
American History I

HIS 103

Social Science & Education

Credits: 3

This survey course traces the development of American civilization from the colonial era through Reconstruction. This course meets the SUNY General Education requirement for U.S. History and Civic Engagement. Prerequisite or corequisite: ENG 101.

We currently offer the following 4 classes in this course:

American History I

Section: HIS103 01

CRN: 22932

Type: Lecture

Instructor: Matthew DeLaMater

Term: Spring 2024

Fees: Technology Fee $70

Class Schedule

Dates: 2024-01-22 - 2024-05-16
Days: TR
Time: 01:10 pm - 02:30 pm
Location: VAN 114

American History I

Section: HIS103 02

CRN: 22284

Type: Lecture

Instructor: Matthew DeLaMater

Term: Spring 2024

Fees: Technology Fee $70

Class Schedule

Dates: 2024-01-22 - 2024-05-16
Days: TR
Time: 10:10 am - 11:30 am
Location: VAN 240

American History I

Section: HIS103 S01

CRN: 22220

Type: Distance Learning

Instructor: Hans P. Vought

Term: Spring 2024

Fees: Technology Fee $70

Class Schedule

Dates: 2024-01-22 - 2024-05-16
Location: Online

American History I

Section: HIS103 S28

CRN: 21974

Type: Distance Learning

Instructor: Hans P. Vought

Term: Spring 2024

Fees: Technology Fee $70

Class Schedule

Dates: 2024-02-20 - 2024-05-06
Location: Online





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